12 Massively Popular Drag Queens On and Off the Stage

The first-ever appearance ofdrag appeared back inthe 16th century aspart ofShakespearean theater. However, the very first actual drag queen dates back tothe 18th century and was agentlemens servant. And while, during that time and for centuries later, people who dressed inclothes ofthe opposite gender were name-called, the art ofdrag isnow highly regarded. Thanks toRuPaul, men

The first-ever appearance of drag appeared back in the 16th century as part of Shakespearean theater. However, the very first actual drag queen dates back to the 18th century and was a gentlemen’s servant. And while, during that time and for centuries later, people who dressed in clothes of the opposite gender were name-called, the art of drag is now highly regarded. Thanks to RuPaul, men and women around the world have found success doing their own drag performances.

1. Pabllo Vittar (12.8 million followers)

© pabllovittar / Instagram, © pabllovittar / Instagram

2. Trixie Mattel (3.2 million followers)

© trixiemattel / Instagram, © trixiemattel / Instagram

3. Gloria Groove (4.7 million followers)

© gloriagroove / Instagram, © gloriagroove / Instagram

4. Bianca Del Rio (2.5 million followers)

© thebiancadelrio / Instagram, © thebiancadelrio / Instagram

5. Adore Delano (2.1 million followers)

© adoredelano / Instagram, © adoredelano / Instagram

6. Katya Zamolodchikova (2.6 million followers)

© katya_zamo / Instagram, © katya_zamo / Instagram

7. Plastique (2.1 million followers)

© plastiquetiara / Instagram, © plastiquetiara / Instagram

8. Violet Chachki (2 million followers)

© violetchachki / Instagram, © violetchachki / Instagram

9. Alyssa Edwards (1.9 million followers)

© alyssaedwards_1 / Instagram, © alyssaedwards_1 / Instagram

10. Kim Chi (1.8 million followers)

© kimchi_chic / Instagram, © kimchi_chic / Instagram

11. Sasha Velour (1.7 million followers)

© sashavelour / Instagram, © sashavelour / Instagram

12. Aquaria (1.6 million followers)

© ageofaquaria / Instagram, © ageofaquaria / InstagramPreview photo credit trixiemattel / Instagram, trixiemattel / Instagram

