August 10 Horoscope and Zodiac

The Sun is your sign's planetary ruler, but because you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive Jupiter's planetary influence. The power of the Sun is reflected in your creativity, individualism and vitality, while the power Jupiter is witnessed in your optimism, generosity and idealism. The combination of

The Sun is your sign's planetary ruler, but because you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you also receive Jupiter's planetary influence. The power of the Sun is reflected in your creativity, individualism and vitality, while the power Jupiter is witnessed in your optimism, generosity and idealism. The combination of these two planets makes you far more positive and knowledge driven than any of the Leo Decans. You have the ability to learn and take the best from almost any situation or person. While there may be times when false optimism can derail you, never lose your belief that the best can happen in any situation. You will be surprised as to how much luck can come your way because of a positive attitude.

